
News and Public Affairs

Teresa Potter, president of the Hillsborough/Pasco League of Women Voters

A look at the six constitutional amendments on the Florida general election ballot

If you’ve been watching television lately chances are good you’ve seen ads for and against a couple of constitutional amendments on the upcoming general election ballot. There’s Amendment 3, which would legalize the possession of...

The Scoop: Tues. Sep. 24th, 2024, Tampa Bay and Florida headlines by WMNF

Learn about the recent judge ruling on the Piney Point toxic waste spill. Find out the consequences and the required payment.
Hurricane Helene

Posible huracán Helene se dirige a costas de Florida

La perturbación continúa fortaleciéndose y se espera que se fortalezca aún más y significativamente durante las próximas 24 a 48 horas.
Hurricane Helene

A tropical weather system is likely to rapidly intensify to become Hurricane Helene and slam Florida

The coast of the Tampa Bay area is under a Hurricane Watch as Potential Tropical Cyclone Nine is expected to strengthen to Hurricane Helene.
abortion law

Florida urges justices to nix a case over state interference in the abortion amendment

An attorney alleges that top Florida officials have improperly tried to interfere with a November referendum on abortion rights.

Feds propose expanding ‘critical’ habitat for manatees in Florida and Puerto Rico

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is expected to publish a proposed rule for 1.9 million acres being designated as critical manatee habitat.

Judge says Piney Point operators responsible for 2021 toxic wastewater spill

A federal judge found Piney Point’s operators liable for the major spill of toxic wastewater into Tampa Bay in 2021. HRK Holdings LLC was ordered to pay a fine of $846,900 on Wednesday. But the...

Tampa kicks off Diaper Need Awareness Week with flag raising

Listen: It’s National Diaper Need Awareness Week, and in the U.S., half of the families struggle to provide enough diapers to keep a baby clean, dry, and healthy. Tampa is partnering with a local group...
abortion law

A judge will hear arguments Wednesday over the Florida AHCA’s campaign against an abortion rights amendment

The AHCA government website says things like, “Current Florida Law Protects Women, Amendment 4 Threatens Women’s Safety.”

Banned books week, war in the middle east

people may not like to read but when you ban books, those are the books you must read.

Where to get sandbags in Hernando & Pasco counties and other information about Potential Tropical Cyclone 9

To prepare for potential storm impacts from Potential Tropical Cyclone 9, sandbag sites are open in Pasco and Hernando counties, Florida.

Prosecutors want a lawsuit thrown out that targets a Florida law forbidding the open carry of firearms

While Florida allows people to carry concealed firearms, it does not allow openly carrying guns.

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