This week the Florida Senate approved a rule change that would remove the confederate battle flag from the chamber’s seal; but that effort to get rid of the controversial symbol embraced by racists like the suspect who killed several people in a Charleston Church is itself getting push-back from a Wesley Chapel man.
During public comment at the Hillsborough County Commission Wednesday morning, David McAllister, head of the local chapter of the Sons of Confederate Veterans was irate at the move by the state Senate.
“The biggest news on the cultural front right now is the unseemly rush to purge the Florida Senate seal. And that activity smacks of blunt instrument tactics of a Stalinist purge in haste using bullying tactics in smoke-filled rooms. Certainly not government in the sunshine. State Senator Arthenia Joyner (D-Tampa) is apparently crowing over her victory. But the sad thing is that she has had nothing to offer in its place. Nothing.”
McAllister went on to call efforts to remove the Confederate battle flag “eraseism.” He said it was similar to when groups like ISIS or the Taliban destroy cultural monuments. McAllister even called the sponsor of a Senate bill to remove the Confederate flag, Geraldine Thompson (D-Orlando), “Taliban Thompson.”
9 Responses to “Wesley Chapel man accuses Florida Senate of Stalinist tactics for removing seal with Confederate symbol”
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McAllister is right. The proof of the dirty way the seal was removed–it was done without announcement and without a proper vote of the legislators. Removing the seal is opposed by 67 percent of Floridians in a recent poll. Removing the flag from the seal is perpetrating a lie. For good or ill, Florida really was part of the Confederacy, just as Florida was the territory of the other slave nations represented in the seal. All the other flags on the seal must go, too. All those countries practiced slavery, as did the U.S.
Okay then, instead let’s remove the Confederate flag because it’s a symbol of treason and armed insurrection committed against the United States, which has no reason to be part of any state seal or flag for any American state.
There are so many good reasons to get rid of it, I don’t care which one we use.
Yes all people deserve tolerance of their individual diversity and ethnic heritage and history. That is unless you are a white Southerner proud of their American heritage and historical symbols then you and your flag just go on to hell. Why is it the people screaming “Black Lives Matter” and pointing the finger chanting “RACISM” are always the the biggest hypocritical racist bigots themselves.
MLK had a dream that the Sons of Slaves and the Sons of Slave owners will come together in a common American brotherhood of PEACE and understanding. But it will never happen as long as the NAACP and the Black community keeps attacking our sacred American heritage and history. Heal yourself Black community! Do something positive in your life for once. The Confederate Battle Flag has nothing to do with the dire straits of your communities and situation. It is all self inflicted by the way you behave.
The only thing vile and shameful today is the Evil Black culture perpetuated by the NAACP and Black community. We are sick to death of your Satanic Hip Hop culture of twerking and promiscuous sex producing countless generations of fatherless criminal children each generation more vile and disgusting than the last. Stop your evil baby daddy and baby momma way of life. If you have illegitimate children , go to the “CLUB” Friday and Saturday night and then go to church on SUNDAY thinking you are a CHRISTIAN = THEN YOU ARE THE PROBLEM = BECAUSE YOU ARE AN EVIL HYPOCRITE.
Every time you attack the our American history and its symbols you widen the racial divide.
I will gladly die to protect my American heritage are you willing to give your life to take it away from me?
Ken LaRiveLafayette Political Buzz Examiner
August 1, 2009
The “New Century Foundation” studies Federal crime reports, and found significant differences in crime ratio between races, verified by the FBI’s NCVS, National Crime Victimization Survey, and The Department of Justice’s UCR, Uniform Crime Reports, FBI Communication’s Division, 304-625-4995.
They state emphatically that the Judicial System is not biased against minorities.
Blacks are seven times more likely than people of other races to commit murder, and eight times more likely to commit robbery.
Blacks are three times more likely to use a hand gun, and twice more likely to use a knife.
Hispanics commit three times more violent crimes than whites, but the statistics are nebulous because sometimes they are classified as white, so it could be far higher.
The best indicator of violent crime levels in an area is the percent of the population that is black and Hispanic.
Blacks are 39 times more likely to commit a violent crime against whites then vice versa, and 136 times more likely to commit a robbery.
Forty-five percent of black crime is against whites, 43 against other blacks, and 10 percent against Hispanic.
Blacks are seven times more likely to go to prison, Hispanics three times, and the reason is clear, because from 1980 to 2003 the US incarceration rate has tripled, and so proves that Justice is not only hard won, but well served.
Verification of these claims comes from the sources below, extrapolation methods are verified by the New Century Foundation, http://www.amren.com/color.pdf.
From FBI:
Mr. LaRive:
The Uniform Crime Reporting Program does not collect the age, sex, or race of victims in conjunction with offenses reported to the police with the exception of murder and nonnegligent homicide. You will find the data on the race of victims of homicide at http://www.fbi.gov/ucr/cius2006/offenses/expanded_information/data/shrtable_02.html.
Age, sex, and race of offenders are collected in conjunction with arrest data. You will find the arrest data by race at http://www.fbi.gov/ucr/cius2006/data/table_43.html. If you need further assistance with UCR Program data, please contact the FBI’s Communications Group at 304-625-4995.
http://neworleans.fbi.gov/ New Orleans FBI
http://www.fbi.gov/publications.htm FBI public publications
http://www.fbi.gov/ucr/ucr.htm FBI Uniform Crime Reports
http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/bjs/cvict.htm Department of Justice Statistics
http://www.jewishworldreview.com/cols/williams081899.asp Walter Williams: The Ugly Conspiracy of Silence
http://www.amren.com/color.pdf The Color of Crime, Race, Crime, and Violence in America, New Century Foundation.
http://www.amren.com/store/colorcrime.htm American Renaissance
http://www.racismeantiblanc.bizland.com/005/06-02.htm USA – Interracial crime at a glance and statistics.
http://www.snopes.com/politics/crime/newsom.asp Snopes.com:Rumor has it
Knoxsville News Sentinal, “Fiction vs. Fact in the Christian-Newson Double Homicide.”
27 May 2007
http://library.flawlesslogic.com/rape.htm Interracial Rape Statistics
http://www.libreopinion.com/members/standarteslc/race05.html High numbers of back on white crime
http://www.lagriffedulion.f2s.com/hood.htm Crime in the Hood, Violent victimization of whites by blacks is modeled in a racially mixed inner-city neighborhood. Its evolution is traced from the first black to move in, to the last white who moves out. The probability of a white being violently attacked is developed as a function of a neighborhood’s racial composition. It is shown to increase nonlinearly, approaching unity as a neighborhood becomes predominately black.
http://www.topix.net/forum/state/wv/TBN2MRV4327LH92PN High Numbers of Black on white crime, West Virginia Forum and Statistics from FBI
http://www.newnation.com/NNN-Black-on-White.html New nation News- Black on white crime, The color of crime, August 31, 2007
FBI Stasitics data regarding race and rates of arrests
Hate crimes
Please explain how the flag of treason and armed insurrection against the US can be considered a symbol of anyone’s *American* heritage. The people who flew that flag wanted no part of the United States – that was the whole point.
Treason? Lmao.. try getting away from federal overreach and escape unfair tariffs. Not to mention, by your same inane logic, th he United States did the SAME EXACT thing that you are complaining about about.. the seceded from England. The only difference is, England didn’t invade, rape, torture, pillage, and burn down innocent people home like the north did… they dont call it the war of northern aggression for nothing.
Of course it’s treason. You can LMAO and spin spin spin all you want, but that doesn’t change the meaning of the word. It’s taking up arms against the United States. How is that *not* treason?
And yes, rebelling against Great Britain was also treason. The only difference is, now we don’t go around waving the American flag while simultaneously claiming to still be super-patriotic and loyal subjects of the queen.
The confederate flag had EVERYTHING to do with slavery. Heal yourselves and stop being racist.
the only two comments from incoherent WackJobs? ya’ll should be studied. not in the way that you would like, either.
Don’t you just love how northerners, and foreigners who have no ties to southern heritage, come to the south and successfully change things to their likings? Ifmthings were so great where they came from, why did they stay? I can’t stand carpetbaggers.