“Being The Greatest” on Morning Energy!!


On June 4, 2016, the world lost one of the greatest sporting figures of the 20th century. Although born Cassius Clay and despite legally changing his name to “Muhammad Ali”, over the years Ali became affectionately known by many as simply “The Greatest”. In his own words Ali had this to say about being the “The Greatest”…… “I figured that if I said it enough, I would convince the world that I really was the greatest”…But what made him the greatest extended beyond his performance in the boxing ring, in that he became widely respected because of his philanthropy work and also standing up for what he believed….On Morning Energy we are going to spend time highlighting Muhammad Ali’s life, but also talk about ways that we all can strive to hopefully be the greatest in different areas of our lives….

Join me, Renna (your Radio Flayme) Friday, from 4 to 6am to be a part of this musical journey!!! Hope you are able to tune in! If not you can always listen back for a week on the Morning Energy archives.


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