

COVID-19 coronavirus vaccine vaccination AARP

Florida near the bottom in rate of nursing home residents that are fully vaccinated with a booster

Florida is near the bottom of U.S. states in the rate of nursing home residents & staff that are fully vaccinated with a booster.
pelican tampa bay st. pete kayak

Get healthy in St. Pete with free classes at “AARP FitLot Fitness Park”

The City of St. Petersburg is providing free fitness classes through its Healthy St. Pete program at "AARP FitLot Fitness Park."
Tampa Mayor Jane Castor on ERA

Tampa partners with AARP to become an “age-friendly city”

There are already more than forty Florida communities that AARP considers “Age-Friendly” and Tampa wants to be next.

Advice from AARP on how to plan for long-term elder care

This week, the two U.S. Senators from Pennsylvania released a list of troubled nursing homes across the country that are considered a “Special Focus Facility” or a candidate for SFF. Seventeen facilities from Florida were...
Obamacare Medicare Medicaid

AHCA will harm Floridians: AARP

How will Floridians fare under the American Health Care Act (AHCA)? Jeff Johnson, the state director for AARP Florida, says: not well. Johnson also says Floridians on Medicaid – especially those in nursing homes –...

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