
Community activism

Building community after devastation with Samuel Ronen

Join Tanja, Anni and community activist Samuel Ronen while they discuss how to build community after a disaster situation.

Local organization raises gun violence awareness

A local group brought together gun violence awareness organizations at University Park on Saturday.

Community activist Connie Burton looks to fill Tampa City Council vacancy

Applications opened this week for members of the public who wish to fill the City Council vacancy left by former City Council member John Dingfelder, who resigned earlier this month over a contentious public records...

A Tampa City Councilmember met with a violent right-wing group Monday night: “We have to stop seeing one another as enemies”

On Monday, Tampa City Council Member Luis Viera met with a local right-wing organization known for supporting violence and attending the Jan. 6 Trump rally in Washington. Viera said he hoped meeting with the Community...

10 years after Katrina: Who is being left out of New Orleans’ Renaissance?

this Saturday marks the 10 years since Hurricane Katrina hit the northern gulf coast, devastating New Orleans as the storm overwhelmed its aged levee system and flooded 80 percent of the city, leaving over 1800...
WMNF 88.5

Keep Pinellas Beautiful cleans up Gulfport

The Ocean Conservancy coordinated an International Coastal Cleanup with their affiliate Keep Pinellas Beautiful yesterday as part of a biannual effort to educate the public, business and government officials about the scale of the global...
Traffic Jam Tuesday
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