
historic preservation

Photographer Chip Weiner

Chip Weiner on preserving Tampa’s past through photographs

Photographer Chip Weiner discusses his two-volume book of historic photographs of Tampa juxtaposed with photos from today that he made in the exact same spots. With more than 900 pages, "Burgert Brothers: Look Again Rephotographing...

Women in Historic Preservation

Women have long played an important role in historic preservation. We talked to long-time preservation advocate Linda Saul-Sena and Jane Hernandez of the Chiselers, a group of women that have been focused on preserving the...

Building boom puts pressure on historic preservation

It seems a condo tower breaks ground every minute in St. Petersburg. Is there a way to balance economic development and historic preservation? We explore the issue with Manny Leto.
cheese grater buildings st pete

Preservationists want to save St. Pete’s “cheese grater” buildings

Preservationists in St. Pete say they’re filing a landmark designation application Thursday to try to save two buildings in downtown; Peter Belmont, vice president of St. Petersburg Preservation, wants to stop the demolition of what are...
Maybe Partying Will Help
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