

DeSantis defeats Charlie Crist Election 2022

Ron DeSantis leads Donald Trump in battleground states, new poll shows

A new poll shows Florida Governor Ron DeSantis leading former President Donald Trump in two battleground states.

Women’s Show resuming in August

Photo via Flickr by DonkeyHotey/CC 2.0 license There will be no show July 21st or July 28th due to”Democracy Now” covering the Republican and Democratic conventions from 9-11 am. From a Woman’s POV will resume programing...

Trump pulls out all the stops at Tampa rally

Donald Trump’s Tampa visit was full of rhetoric and low on details. The Trump Train made a whistle stop at The Tampa Convention Center, last Saturday. The media savvy, GOP firebrand, berated his critics to...

Hillary Makes History and the ‘Presidentalization’ of Trump-From a Woman’s POV

Photo via Flickr     On Tuesday Hillary Clinton became the first female presidential nominee. Regardless of your political stance, you must admit that her nomination, almost 8 years after the first African- American male...

“Undue Burden” and Trump/Ryan Meeting on Women’s Show

“Undue Burden” – It is an awkward phrase, isn’t it? On Monday the Supreme Court kicked the “undue burden” back to the courts.  The balance in this case is the “under burden” on one’s religious...

David Jolly urges Bay area politicians to join his effort to stop wasting time raising money

David Jolly makes a plea across the aisle to get elected officials to stop begging for money and get back to work. The republican US representative from Florida is pushing for more of his colleagues...
Donald Trump

Trump delivers hardball rhetoric to huge crowds in Sarasota

Tough talking tough Guy, Donald Trump, helicoptered into Sarasota for a sold out rally. Last Saturday fans and backers either crammed into a Sarasota area or waited outside to listen to the Donald stump. The...
First Call
Player position: