Down n Dirty

Friday: 10:00 am - 11:00 am

Down ‘n Dirty is a local interview and talk show. We take calls and discuss the political events of the past week. We don’t hesitate to take on controversial topics and positions! We invite guests (often an elected official from the Tampa Bay area) to discuss issues, projects  or programs that are important to them and our community. Issues like transportation in the bay area. Occasionally, we might invite two elected official ls on to do a “point – counterpoint” show.


John Dingfelder served on Tampa City Council for ten years, and has served on almost every public board in Hillsborough County (e.g. HART, TPO, Affordable and Migrant Farmworker Housing, River Board, TGH, Tampa Bay Estuary Program, Variance Review Board). He has served our community as an attorney in the offices of the County Attorney, Public Defender and the Office of Regional Counsel.

Hosted by
John Dingfelder

Ways to listen

WMNF is listener-supported. That means we don't advertise like a commercial station, and we're not part of a university.

Ways to support

WMNF volunteers have fun providing a variety of needed services to keep your community radio station alive and kickin'.

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