Our Hosts

Eddie Greene

Big Eddie G, a native of Los Angeles, CA, has been immersed in music from a young...


Healing music artist, sound healer and radio personality Eluv was born and educated in Melbourne, Australia. Influenced...

Franco Silva

Latino54 was originally called Oye Latino, and it was formed by a group of professors from several...

Frank Knox

Frank Knox is a homegrown Philadelphia boy. This former U.S. Marine has always had two big loves...

Greg Bowers

DJ Spaceship hails from the great city of Tampa, and is an avid listener of WMNF and...

Isha Del Valle

Isha (ee-shaa) born and raised in Puerto Rico, is the creator, host and programmer for LatinX. Isha...

Jeannie Holton Carufel

Jeannie Holton, a life-long Tampanian, has been doing a show on WMNF since February of 1980 starting...

Jim Bannon

I have been volunteering since 2018 and worked mostly behind the scenes during the fund drives and...

JoEllen Schilke

Thanks so much to everyone who supports #AiYE! Stay tuned for some great programming–somewhat serious discussions flanked...

John Velez

My personal journey takes me back 20 plus years ago to my first exposure to underground house...

Joy Katzen-Guthrie

Hosting The Sunday Simcha since 2019, Palm Harbor-based Cantorial Leader, educator, concert-recording artist Joy Katzen-Guthrie is well...

Katarina Lauver

A long-time programmer and contributor to the WMNF community, Katarina Lauver started hosting her first show on...

Ken Apperson

Host and producer of WMNF’s Live Music Showcase

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The Righteous Rockers Experience
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