Richard Wolff Economic Update

Thursday: 11:00 am - 11:30 am
Voila`! Dr. Wolff's first languages were French and German. He didn't speak English until Kindergarten.
Voila`! Dr. Wolff’s first languages were French and German. He didn’t speak English until Kindergarten.
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On Economic Update with Professor Richard Wolff, Wolff and guests discuss the economic crisis, both local and global. The show focuses on wages, jobs, taxes, debts, interest rates, prices and profits. Wolff aims to explain why certain economic changes are happening and other changes get postponed or blocked, and explore alternative ways to organize enterprises, markets and government policies.

Economic Update is a show for people who want to understand and change not only their own financial situation but also the larger economy we all depend on.

For podcasts see


Here are some photos that Sean Kinane took at Dr. Wolff’s speech 11/10/15:

Hello from Dr. Wolff. He said it was one of his warmest and most welcoming audiences.
Hello from Dr. Wolff. He said it was one of his warmest and most welcoming audiences.
Wonderful WMNF crowd at the Palladium for Dr. Wolff
Wonderful WMNF crowd at the Palladium for Dr. Wolff
Making a point
Making a point
Gppd job!
Good job!
Meet & Greet ~ he gave an impromptu talk.
Meet & Greet ~ he gave an impromptu talk.

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