
best of 2015

(More) Best of 2015 from WMNF DJs

We are getting a few more of our djs weighing in on their top releases of last year. From Flea, on It’s the Music Monday (and is our Music Director): Courtney Barnett-Sometimes I just sit...

Best of 2015 ~ WMNF djs Weigh in with Their Lists

Saturday Asylum beat everyone to it, with Scott posting his top 25 releases of 2015.  Randy Wind’s Thursday Morning Show has his top picks, letting listeners weigh in.  Nancy Cee wrote about her top thirty and...

Top releases of 2015 for The Waking Hours with Craig Huegel

Tuesday morning on The Waking Hours I featured my Top 12 (13) CD’s of the year. These are the dozen new releases that I have been playing the most and love from top to bottom. Other than #1, they...

Best Songs of 2015 on WMNF – this Thursday!

We will have the best songs of 2015, or at least, the most played songs by our WMNF programmers this Thursday. What songs and artists do you think will be played? There are 88 of...
Traffic Jam - All Souls Edition
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