
National Geographic

shade climate change national geographic

How effects of climate change on humans are impacted by shade – NatGeo cover story

Climate change is affecting our lives, including by making cities dangerously hotter. But how does shade, and the distribution of shade, impact how people are able to deal with this? WMNF interviewed the author of...
WMNF 88.5

Scientists Study Ways to Reduce Power of Hurricanes

Radioactivity Friday 10 20 17 Good morning, welcome to Radioactivity. I’m Rob Lorei. Coming up— Can scientists develop a method to reduce the destructive power of hurricanes? After the hurricanes causing the deaths of hundreds...
power plant / Seán Kinane/WMNF News

National Geographic devotes full issue to climate change

Climate change could be the most important challenge of the 21st Century; our guests on MidPoint contributed to the current issue of National Geographic magazine that’s all about the climate. It comes out weeks before major international climate talks...
WMNF 88.5

The science of weed: interview with National Geographic cover story author

The science of weed: interview with National Geographic cover story author

A Thanksgiving look at the cultural importance of shared meals

A Thanksgiving look at the cultural importance of shared meals
Jazz Connections
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