
Tariq Khdeir

Suha and Tariq Khdeir

Mother of Tampa teen “disgusted” Israeli cop who beat her son will avoid jail

The Israeli police officer convicted of beating up a Tampa teenager in Palestine last summer has been sentenced to 45 days of community service, but no jail time. In July 2014, while he was on...

Tampa teen interviewed by UN Human Rights Council Commission of Inquiry into the 2014 Gaza Conflict

Tampa teen interviewed by UN Human Rights Council Commission of Inquiry into the 2014 Gaza Conflict

Tampa teenager beaten up by Israeli police but sentenced to house arrest: “I was so mad”

Tampa teenager beaten up by Israeli police but sentenced to house arrest: "I was so mad"

Tampa teen beaten by Israeli police wants American kids to know things are tough in Palestine

Tampa teenager beaten by Israeli police wants American kids to know things are tough in Palestine

Tariq Khdeir enthusiastically welcomed home to Tampa; he says remember Palestinians who died

Tariq Khdeir enthusiastically welcomed home to Tampa; he says remember Palestinians who died

Max Blumenthal criticizes U.S. Rep. Kathy Castor (D-FL) for inaction on Tampa teenager beat up by Israeli police

Max Blumenthal criticizes U.S. Rep. Kathy Castor (D-FL) for inaction on Tampa teenager beat up by Israeli police

CAIR holds press conference to discuss local Arab-American teen beaten and detained by Israeli Forces

Rob Lorei airs CAIR's press conference about local Arab-American teen, Tariq Khdeir beaten and detained by Israeli Forces.

CAIR Florida reacts to release of injured Tampa teenager from Israeli jail

CAIR Florida reacts to release of injured Tampa teenager from Israeli jail

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