
voter fraud

election 2018 elections

Courts revive voter fraud cases in Florida

Two South Florida appeals courts overturned rulings that dismissed charges against a pair of defendants in voter fraud cases.
The Scoop: WMNF Daily News Digest

The Scoop: Thurs., October 5, 2023 Tampa Bay & Florida headlines by WMNF

Challenge to violent protest law Yesterday, the Florida Supreme Court heard arguments in a challenge to 2021 law that enhanced penalties and created new crimes during protests that turn violent.   Recreational marijuana hearing The...

“Stay Woke” Bus Tour stops in East Tampa for voting rights rally

Voting rights organizations are taking a “voter-cade” bus tour this week through 15 cities across Florida to encourage voter registration while encouraging Floridians to “Stay woke” amidst recently passed laws that impact students, teachers, and...
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Pasco elections supervisor disputes Trump claims of voting fraud

President Donald Trump tweeted Wednesday morning that he is ordering a Department of Justice investigation into voting fraud; the new president alleges that he lost the popular vote because millions of people voted illegally in...
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The Danger of GMO’s and Another Effort to Remove People of Color from the Voting Rolls

BY Rob Lorei Our first guest on Radioactivity Thursday was author Caitlin Shetterly who’s written a new book called Modified: GMO’s and the Threat to Our Food, Our Land, Our Future. Few years ago Caitlin Shetterly was looking...
House of Soul
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