
Jason Stanley

Sobering Conversations On Fascism & Scientology

At the close of our conversation with philosophy professor, Jason Stanley he quips, “Thank you for a sobering conversation.” It should be pointed out, the professor was being somewhat sardonic. His must-read, How Fascism Works...

Conversations On Fascists & Fascism

When Attilio Teruzzi, Mussolini’s handsome political enforcer, married a rising young American opera star, his good fortune seemed settled. The wedding was a carefully stage-managed affair, capped with a blessing by Mussolini himself. Yet only...

The Ten Pillars Of Fascist Politics on Life Elsewhere

Fascism means dividing a population to achieve power. Jason Stanley understood this as a scholar of philosophy and propaganda and as a child of refugees of WWII Europe, but even he was surprised by its...
Wide Awake America
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