

pesticide protester

Golf course residents protest Tampa Sports Authority over pesticide

A half dozen residents of Forest Hills demonstrated outside Raymond James Stadium Thursday against plans to fumigate a golf course near their homes; next Tuesday the Tampa Sports Authority plans to apply the pesticide Curfew...
pesticide Curfew

Tampa resident wants golf course to avoid pesticide Curfew

A Tampa resident is worried that the Tampa Sports Authority will fumigate a public golf course in her neighborhood with a toxic pesticide. Debra McCormack, CEO of the marketing company Tampa Communications and past president of...
March Against Monsanto

March Against Monsanto Tampa preview

Some local groups are joining with events across the country, uniting to demand labeling of genetically engineered food in what’s called March Against Monsanto. The guest on WMNF’s MidPoint was Christine Wall, she’s helping to organize...
farmworkers; Florida agriculture; farmworkers, coalition of Immokalee workers, ciw

EPA considering pesticide protections for farmworkers

A 23-year-old law, the Agriculture Worker Protection Standard (WPS), is being updated to enhance protections for people exposed to toxic agricultural pesticides; the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is also proposing a ban on the neurotoxic pesticide chlorpyrifos for use...

East Hillsborough residents say pesticides from nearby farms are making them sick

Today on Midpoint, we talk with a group of women from the Dover and Thonotosassa area in Hillsborough county, who claim pesticides sprayed over nearby farms have been making them and their families sick. Over...
The Morning Show Wednesday
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