Dateline: 19.00 hours ET, August 16, 2021
Dr. Binoy Kampmark is always ahead. 14 hours ahead in Melbourne. Yet, even if the learned professor were in the same dateline, you can be assured his perspective on global events would be considerably ahead of the battalions of pundits scrambling to have their voices heard on every media outlet available. Binoy Kampmark has a gift of not only being able to get to the heart of any news item, he also manages to enlighten with his capacity to share crucial, but often overlooked details. Dr. Kampmark is a senior lecturer at RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia, an acclaimed writer on legal and historical matters, including terrorism, international history, and politics. His work can be found in various publications. Including CounterPunch, and Binoy is a frequent contributor to Life Elsewhere. In our latest edition, we asked Dr. Kampmark to share his opinions on the unfolding scenario in Afghanistan. He suggests the “live on-the-spot” video reporting shows only what the camera will allow us to see – and no more. How the US is handling the Covid crisis vs. the rest of the world comes under Kampmark’s scrutiny as does the question of if the US-funded risky virus research in China. As one of the world’s leading authorities on the Julian Assange story, Binoy shares an update. On the wretched state of Haiti after another earthquake, Binoy helps us consider the other reasons the country is so impoverished. The recent record high temperatures in Italy should bring global warming into immediate focus, Dr. Kampmark says. Meanwhile, governments and corporations remain at their best, stoic in their call to action. To close the show, beautiful music from London-based, Alice Thompson, her album is titled, Solo Piano Four. The cut selected is How I Think About You.
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