The Life Elsewhere Predictions Show


A Caricature For President was the title of our 16th of August, 2015 edition of Life Elsewhere. We were being smart-alecks, ironic perhaps. Our intent was to focus in on how crazy things had become in the world of politics and in turn, how talented caricaturists and political commentators like Steve Brodner were having a field day. Looking back now, we had no idea then just how loony-tunes our world as we knew it would become. Two and half years on and we face a new year. Perhaps we should add, with trepidation? Does the past determine the future? If that premise is correct, we are certainly in for a strange and unprecedented year ahead. How strange? How unprecedented? Even the most reliable crystal-ball wizard may have a hard time getting this one right. So, we have assembled a panel of our favorite contributors to Life Elsewhere from the past twelve months to offer their crack predictions. Environmental journalist, Robert Hunziker eagerly jumped at the task, with the caveat that he has one prediction he cannot reveal immediately, but will in good time. We pressured him on your behalf, but he only teased that we will soon learn what he means. Meanwhile, author and book critic, David Ulin has an alternate view on predictions which he articulates with gusto. Lucia Graves, the astute journalist with The Guardian, has intriguing ideas, including which movie will win an Oscar. While film and media critic Bob Ross has a disparaging view on award shows but offers up his predictions with a generous nod and a wink to his area of expertise. Washington Post, art and architecture critic, Philip Kennicott cannily takes us to alternate prediction domain. Articulate and engaging Rant News Deputy Managing Editor, Remy Carreiro wastes no time getting her ideas across. And, we had to call upon Steve Brodner to hear what the man who famously said about Trump, “He has a tiny mouth and it’s kind of vertical, I’m sorry Norman, it’s kind of vaginal.” As expected, Brodner does not hold back. Make sure you do not miss the Life Elsewhere Predictions Show.

Life Elsewhere is available at NPR One & iTunes

Sundays 12 noon ET at The Source WMNF HD3  

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