Radioactivity with Rob Lorei
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Good morning, welcome to Radioactivity. I’m Rob Lorei. Coming up we’ll hear what President Trump is proposing in his new budget to do with Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.
But first one listener comment about yesterday’s program on which we discussed the new book DRYING UP about the looming fresh water crisis in Florida.
Here’s what one listener said after the program.
President Donald Trump tweeted over the weekend promising, “We will not be touching your Social Security and Medicare in (the) Fiscal 2021 Budget.”
One day later, the Wall Street Journal published a report indicating that Trump is doing exactly that with his budget proposal.
The Journal reported that in the $4.8 Trillion dollar budget proposal released by the President on Monday- it includes “steep reductions in social-safety-net programs,” including cuts to Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security:
Here to talk about what the President is proposing is Max Richtman, president and CEO of the National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare.
During his sixteen year career as a congressional staffer, Max Richtman directed a lengthy investigation of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’s enforcement of age-discrimination statutes and developed legislation to establish a Consumer Price Index [for the] Elderly (CPIE) which if adopted, would lead to a more accurate cost of living adjustment for Social Security beneficiaries. Max Richtman was born in Munich , Germany , and grew up in Omaha , Nebraska . He graduated cum laude from Harvard College and received his law degree from Georgetown University Law School
Thanks for tuning into Radioactivity.
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