
mass shootings

guns gun violence die-in

28 students “die-in” outside Marco Rubio’s Tampa office to protest inaction on gun violence

At noon today 28 people – most of them high school students – laid silent and motionless on the sidewalk in front of the Federal Building in downtown Tampa. The demonstration in front of the...

Women’s Show 3/29 What Is It about the Guns in American Culture? Dr. Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz – The 2nd Amendment

“No free man shall ever be debarred the use of guns” –Thomas Jefferson  To excerpt the end of Gary Wills essay after the Orlando Pulse Mass Killing,  “Everyone knows we are not going to do a...
Susan Smith education schools progressive, critic of Betsy DeVos

Will Las Vegas mass shooting lead to smart gun regulations?

Police say the man who killed at least 58 people and wounded more than 500 at a Las Vegas concert was a retiree with no criminal history in the Nevada county where he lived; on...
Pasco County Schools

Pasco law enforcement trains for active shooters

It’s become an all too familiar horror story in the U.S. – a shooter in a crowded public area gunning down victim after victim; so, how do law enforcement agencies train to deal with active...
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