
Phil Compton

PSTA electric bus demo

Pinellas transit authority checks out electric bus option

Pinellas County’s transit authority is thinking about purchasing some electric buses to replace diesel vehicles as they reach the end of their useful lives. PSTA is bringing in electric bus companies to demonstrate the advantages...

Everything You Wanted to Know About Owning an Electric Car

By Rob Lorei Today on Radioactivity we listen to the latest edition of Florida This Week, a political talk show moderated by Radioactivity host Rob Lorei. This Episode’s panel ( Tampa Tribune Columnist Joe Brown, ABC...

Sustainable Living show discusses the use of electric cars and the Drive Electric Tampa Bay event

Call-in show about electric cars

Transportation talks in Hillsborough not appeasing pro-transit activists

Transportation talks in Hillsborough not appeasing pro-transit activists
Ultrasounds Radio Show with Eluv
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