

Sea oats WMNF News

Tampa Bay Estuary Program gets $2 million from Gulf oil spill

The Tampa Bay Estuary Program announced Thursday that it will be getting $2 million from Clean Water Act fines to fund seven local projects; the money is from a settlement with TransOcean and other companies...
WMNF News: Beach dunes

Southwest Florida’s rate of sea level rise speeding up

The southwest coast of Florida, especially its beaches and mangroves, are being increasingly impacted by rising seas caused by global warming; on WMNF News’ MidPoint we spoke with Mike Barry — an environmental contractor with...

New Study Says Environmental Protection on Decline in Florida

Florida reduces it's enforcement of anti-pollution laws

Environment Florida applauds new EPA clean water rule

Environment Florida applauds new EPA clean water rule
Clean Water Rule

Environmentalists want more Amendment 1 funds for Everglades restoration

Environmentalists want more Amendment 1 funds for Everglades restoration
Hands Across the Sand against oil drilling

Advocates want to clean up Florida’s dirty water now and in the future

more than a hundred people came together on Gandy Beach in St Petersburg for hands across the sand.

Tampa Bay seagrass recovers; 40,000 acres most in 60 years

Tampa Bay seagrass recovers; 40,000 acres most in 60 years

5 years later, effects from the BP oil spill still felt in the Gulf today

5 years later, effects from the BP oil spill still felt in the Gulf today

Florida farmers paid by state to store water: conversation with Craig Pittman

Florida farmers paid by state to store water: conversation with Craig Pittman

The fight to save what is left of the Everglades

The fight to save what is left of the Everglades

Report exposes link between dirty money and Florida’s dirty waterways

The advocacy group, Environment Florida, exposes top water polluters and the influence of dark money flowing into Florida in a report released today.

The Fairness Doctrine tackles plastic shopping bag use, and the legacy of pollution at Lake Apopka

The Fairness Doctrine tackles plastic shopping bag use, and the legacy of pollution at Lake Apopka

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