We kick off this morning’s Radioactivity with another edition of the Fairness Doctrine, a debate-style segment hosted and produced by Jennifer Sullivan. Today we discuss the use of plastic shopping bags versus reusable canvas bags. arguing in favor of reusable bags is Friedemann Buschbeck of the Tampa Green Party, and for plastic bags is Mark McClure, Vice President of Operations at International Plastics Inc.
We then speak with Dale Finley Slongwhite, author of Fed Up: The High Cost of Cheap Food, on the effects of heavy chemical farming on farm workers around Lake Apopka in central Florida. For years farms around the lake was sprayed with toxic pesticides, often while workers were in the fields. This led to severe health problems for the largely African-American farm workers and their off-spring, as well as heavy pollution in and around the lake itself. Slongwhite will be sharing the workers’ stories tonight at 6 p.m as part the Florida Conversations lecture series at The Tampa History Center.