
sexual harassment

Scales of Justice Law

Florida TaxWatch CEO Dominic Calabro accused of sexual harassment and retaliation

A former high-ranking employee of Florida TaxWatch accused the leader of sexual harassment, drinking on the job and retaliation.
Jack Latvala

Florida ethics panel to take up Jack Latvala case

The Florida Commission on Ethics will consider a motion to dismiss a long-running ethics case against former Sen. Jack Latvala, R-Clearwater.
Jack Latvala

Case alleging that Jack Latvala sexually harassed a former Florida Senate aide returns to the state ethics commission

A case about alleged sexual harassment misconduct by former state Sen. Jack Latvala is headed back to the Florida Commission on Ethics.
Jack Latvala

Former Florida Senator Jack Latvala case heads toward hearing

former Sen. Jack Latvala is headed toward a hearing before an administrative law judge in a case involving allegations of sexual misconduct.
St. Petersburg election candidates

Robert Blackmon faces backlash over eviction attempts; and other issues plaguing the St. Pete Mayor’s race

St. Petersburg City Council member Robert Blackmon canceled his scheduled interview Tuesday on The Scoop with Janelle Irwin and new co-host Evan Donovan citing a scheduling conflict just minutes before air time. Blackmon’s cancelation came...

A Night To Unite: One Tampa native and her vision for the future of women

From Women’s Marches to the #MeToo movement and a subsequent honor by Time magazine, it’s been an eventful year for women’s issues in America. The far-reaching topic is a contentious and necessary dialogue that lately...

Misogyny: The Word Of The Year?

What a year it has been, even the casual observer will acknowledge, we have never seen or lived through anything like the last twelve months. So, what should be The Word Of The Year? “Unprecedented”...

Women’s Show 11/16 Abusive Times – Sarah Posner and Sexual Harassment

We are living in very abusive times.  The universe is doing its best to shake us up… We had planned a different show.  We were going to talk about some of the myths around sexual...
Florida Capitol

Florida lobbyist: sexual harassment “rampant” in Legislature

Clearwater state Senator Jack Latvala was removed Monday as chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee after reports that he may have groped or made demeaning comments toward women; a long-time lobbyist in Tallahassee tells WMNF...
Revenge of the Synth
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