

CIW farmworkers vs Publix

Fair Food advocates oppose Publix at USF Tampa

This Friday the University of South Florida Board of Trustees will take a vote on leasing land to Publix for a supermarket on the Tampa campus. But activists for the fair treatment of farmworkers are...
Hillsborough River

Tampa infrastructure changes could buffer from sea-level rise

Tampa’s downtown – and much of the city – is only a few feet above current sea level; emphasis on “current.” But by the end of the century ocean levels across the globe are expected...
Charlie Justice

Pinellas agrees to chip in for Tampa-St. Pete ferry

A pilot program for a passenger ferry between the downtowns of Tampa and St. Petersburg moved a step closer to reality Tuesday; the Pinellas County Commission agreed to set aside $350,000 to help fund the...
Rick Tschantz on Morris Bridge Sink

Permit to pump Morris Bridge Sink won’t be challenged

Hillsborough County will not file a legal challenge to a permit to pump water from a sinkhole in sensitive wetlands near the Hillsborough River. That’s after meetings by the region’s water management district produced a...
solar Duke

Floridians for Solar Choice aiming for 2018, not 2016

It’s been speculated for a while, but Monday for the first time the executive director of the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy said for certain the Floridians for Solar Choice question will not be on this...
Rick Kriseman Bob Buckhorn

Buckhorn and Kriseman weigh in on Rays and transit

The mayors of the Tampa Bay region’s two largest cities agree that transportation is a huge issue and roads shouldn’t be the only solution; Tampa’s Bob Buckhorn and St. Pete’s Rick Kriseman spoke Friday at the...
Frank Reddick Derrick Brooks

Tampa City Council wants sex offender cluster ordinance

Tampa is considering an ordinance to deal with the clusters of sex offenders in several neighborhoods of the city. At a City Council meeting Thursday police said about 850 sex predators live in Tampa. Kelly Grimsdale, president...
Hillsborough River

Tampa supports pumping water from Morris Bridge Sink

Unless they can work out differences by next week, it’s possible that several local governments will end up on opposite sides of a legal battle about whether to pump water from a sinkhole in sensitive...
Les Miller

Hillsborough moves meeting about sinkhole: keeps option of legal challenge

The region’s water management district has rejected Hillsborough County’s request for more time to consider a plan to pump water from a sinkhole located in sensitive wetlands; and after several environmentalists spoke out against pumping water...
Rick Kriseman

Hillsborough on board for Tampa-St. Pete ferry

Hillsborough County is on board with a pilot program to link the downtowns of St. Petersburg and Tampa with a high-speed ferry service. Hillsborough will spend $350,000 for the six-month test-run that will begin in...
farmworkers; Florida agriculture; farmworkers, coalition of Immokalee workers, ciw

EPA considering pesticide protections for farmworkers

A 23-year-old law, the Agriculture Worker Protection Standard (WPS), is being updated to enhance protections for people exposed to toxic agricultural pesticides; the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is also proposing a ban on the neurotoxic pesticide chlorpyrifos for use...

Interview with family of Jason Westcott, killed by police over 2 dollars worth of pot

Today on Radioactivity, we listen back to an interview from April with the family of Jason Westcott, a 29-year-old man shot dead by  Tampa police last year during a police raid on his home in...

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