The Scoop: Fri., April 19, 2024 Tampa Bay and Florida headlines by WMNF

The Scoop for Monday, Sept. 9, 2024.

Gopher Tortoises threatened

More than a third of adult gopher tortoises have died at a nature preserve in St. Petersburg, and the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission is investigating. Axios Tampa Bay reports surveyors who conducted a survey of gopher tortoise burrows found 57 gopher tortoise carcasses over the last six weeks at the Boyd Hill Nature Preserve. Gopher tortoises are a threatened species that can live 40 to 60 years in the wild. They spend around 80% of their time in their burrows. WMNF reporter Chris Young Speaks with Jeff Goessling, a biology professor at Eckerd College.

Race and Reconciliation Committee

Tampa’s 13-member “Race and Reconciliation Committee” voted to outline a policy that will address the city’s “economic and racial divide.” The Committee plans to investigate affordable housing, development, youth empowerment, residents returning from prison, and ignored history.

City Council looks to protect library

In other Tampa City Council news, WMNF’s Jimmy Rosilio Reports that some folks are working to protect downtown’s library.

Activists look to help the homeless

Activists supporting those without a permanent home here in Florida are preparing for the summer heat. After a recent statewide ban on sleeping outdoors Activists and advocates are searching for an alternative.

School Chaplains

Governor Ron DeSantis has signed a new law that will allow “Patriotic” organizations to visit schools and another that will allow school chaplains to act as counselors.

Information from Florida Public Media, News Service of Florida, and Associated Press was used in this report.

The Scoop: Tampa Bay & Florida headlines by WMNF


The Scoop producer Spenser Tesch

WMNF anchors Chris Young, Lisa Marzilli, Josh Holton, Seán Kinane

WMNF News Director Seán Kinane

WMNF reporters Chris Young, Lisa Marzilli, Josh Holton, Seán Kinane, Colleen Cole, Kerilyn Kwiatkowski, Jimmy Rosilio

Special thanks to Taylor Lovejoy and Corey Beltran.

Theme music, Fresh06, by Stian via – CC-BY-NC-SA 2.5
The Scoop logo by Robin Milcowitz / Greener Pixels / / WMNF

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