What did Bernie Sanders really say about Fidel Castro?


Radioactivity with Rob Lorei

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Good morning, welcome to Radioactivity. I’m Rob Lorei.

Coming up today: Bernie Sanders is being criticized across cable television news channels this morning for remarks he made about the late Cuban leader Fidel Castro. We’ll talk about the controversy in the second half of this program. We’ll also hear listener comments about yesterday’s program in the second half hour.

But first—the Florida Adlerian Society is holding its annual conference this weekend in Safety Harbor. Adlerian psychology uses co-operation and a “small d” democratic approach to family relationships.

Our guests are Tim Evans and Geri Carter who are helping to organize this weekend’s conference

Two of of their workshops planned for this weekend are:

The Art of Encouragement, by Timothy Evans,PhD, LMFT,and Geri Carter, MA, LMHCNow more than ever we need a new tradition for improving and maintaining healthy relationships. Encouragement is desperately needed today since fear, power, and the threat of punishment are no longer effective. Encouragement is made to order for developing cooperative relationships at home, school, and work. Will focus on encouraging self and others.

2:30 PM –4:30 PMC1If I’m So Wonderful, Why Am I Still Single?by Timothy Evans PhD, LMFT,and Geri Carter, MA, LMHCThis workshop will explore Adler’s task of intimacy. The challenges of meeting someone, compatibility, and “what is this thing called love?”, along with physical and intellectual attraction, suitable psychological factors and gender issues will be presente

Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders gained momentum from victories in New Hampshire and Nevada and a virtual tie for first place in Iowa, but may have hit a speed bump in Florida by partially praising Fidel Castro in an interview. On “60 Minutes,” Sanders said “it’s unfair to simply say everything is bad” about Castro, and praised his literacy and health care programs. That might not go over well with Florida’s sizable Cuban American community.

We’re going to talk about that next on Radioactivity.

First, we touched on the topic yesterday when I asked listeners if a Democratic Socialist running for president can be elected.

After the program we received these six listener comments.


The controversy in Florida over Bernie Sanders comments about Castro on Sixty Minutes was covered by Florida Public Radio yesterday.


Let’s go back and hear in context Bernie Sanders remarks about Cuba on the Sixty Minutes TV program this past Sunday night.


President Obama had similar things to say about Cuba after he returned from a trip there in 2016.

When it comes to speaking out against dictators—when asked about China’s strongman leader—another Democrat—Mike Bloomberg had this to say.


In July of 2019 Bernie Sanders himself described what he meant by Democratic Socialism when he spoke at George Washington University in Washington DC.

What is democratic socialism? Sen. Bernie Sanders speaks out


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