Photo by DonkeyHotey

Be careful what you say and do……
People are listening and watching. Children are listening and watching. Teachers in schools from K-12 commonly use our national elections as teaching material. One of the purposes of public education in this country was to prepare children to be citizens in a democracy. Teachers have found that this election cycle has presented very different challenges., The hate-mongering, the name calling, the ridiculing have terrified children to the point that a 5-year old asked his kindergarten teacher every day, “Has the wall been built yet?” Some teachers are refusing to discuss the election at all in their classrooms. We will talk with LUCIA BAEZ, an English Teacher in Miami, Florida who was awarded the National Education Association’s very first award for political activist of the year. She will discuss what has commonly been called “the Trump effect.”
But not only children are responding, others are listening and watching also. The calls to RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network) and other hotlines for sexual assault have increased by 33-42% with many of the callers mentioning the Trump tapes. Professionals in the field call it a triggering effect. Bad moments, bad memories that never go away. One out of five women on campuses will be assaulted, 20% of women in the military. Every 109 seconds in this country a woman is assaulted. We are talking about millions of women in this country alone. Words matter! People are listening, but tell me, are we listening?
Tune in at 10 AM Thursday to hear more! Catch us on the archives if you miss the show Thursday! Contact us during the show at [email protected] or call 813-239-9663. You can text us at 813-433-0885.
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