We kick off today’s Radioactivity with Henry Beard and Christopher Cerf, two comedy writers who recently penned the book Spinglish:a dictionary of deliberately deceptive language, a humorous ‘dictionary’ of misleading phrases and euphemisms in business, politics, art and sports. both Beard and Cerf were involved in the National Lampoon, a pioneering humor magazine, in the 1970’s.
Then we look at the lawsuit filed yesterday by three Florida conservation groups over what they see is a misappropriation of Amendment 1 funds. The Florida Wildlife Federation, St. Johns Riverkeeper and Environmental Confederation of Southwest Florida filed suit over the hundreds of millions of real estate tax money set aside under Amendment 1 for land acquisition and conservation that were used for other projects. Joining us to talk about the lawsuit is David Guest, attorney for Earthjustice, the non-profit law firm that drafted the suit.
Following the tragic murder of nine black churchgoers in an racially motivated attack in Charleston, South Carolina, there has been public outcry over the display of the confederate battle flag. Locally this scrutiny has been focused on the large banner that flies near the intersection of 1-4 and 1-75, which is privately owned and maintained by the local Sons of Confederate Veterans chapter. David McAllister is the commander of the Commander of the Judah P. Benjamin Camp on which the flag and surrounding civil war memorial stands, and he insists the flag is symbol of heritage. He joins us to defend the flying of the confederate flag and takes calls from listeners.