By Rob Lorei
First on Radioactivity Monday we looked the new field of Microbiome research. The human microbiome is the community of all the bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites that inhabit our body. Our guest Rodney Dietert PhD, a professor on immunotoxicology at Cornell University, says that rather than being undesirable, they are part of an integrated system that could hold the key to solving such serious diseases as asthma, many cancers, diabetes, depression, allergies, autism and obesity. Dr.Dietert spoke about his new book, The Human Superorganism: How the Microbiome is Revolutionizing the Pursuit of a Healthy Life and how disruptions to the microbiome, through means such as diet or overuse of antibiotics, can lead to ailments.
Then we listen to the latest episode of Florida This Week, a political talk show from local PBS station WEDU. Our panel of political insiders and analysts discuss the biggest stories in national and state politics: Donald Trump wraps up the most interesting Republican Convention in recent times; Rick Scott and Pam Bondi step into the spotlight with prime time speeches in Cleveland; Hillary Clinton announces her vice presidential choice during a campaign swing in Florida; Big raises for some of the governor’s top staffers.