The first scientific study has just been published connecting human health problems with the dispersants used by BP after its 2010 Deepwater Horizon disaster; our guest on WMNF News’ MidPoint was Tampa Bay Times staff writer Craig Pittman.
In April of 2010 an explosion rocked BP’s oil rig, killing 11 people and setting off an environmental disaster – over the next three months, bout 4.9 million barrels of oil had gushed into the Gulf of Mexico. BP used dispersants both on the ocean floor (for the first time) and on the surface to try to break up the oil.
Listen to the show here:
The National Institues of Health has found that human health was harmed by dispersant used by BP.
NIH found symptoms like coughing, wheezing, burning eyes or skin irritations. Some were temporary, some long-lasting.
One Response to “NIH study: BP’s use of dispersants harmed human health”
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I can concur the dispersants were no good for people or animals. It was two weeks after the April, 2010 spill that I went swimming at a beach in Sarasota County and was aware of stinging and burning waters. My eyes hurt and my skin felt bad. Since I commonly swim in these waters, I know what the waters are supposed to be like. So I was affected from 1000 miles away and could go home after 30 minutes, but the animals and fish and tiny crusty sea creatures who lived there, just oh, so sad.