A Stetson Law Professor Discusses President Trump’s Nominee for the Supreme Court and Women’s March Activists Planning Their Next Steps


WMNF’s Radioactivity Feb 1 2017

Good morning, welcome to Radioactivity. I’m Rob Lorei. Coming up we’ll get the perspective of a Constitutional law scholar from Stetson on President Trump’s nominee to fill the nearly year-long vacancy on the US Supreme Court. And with all the energy generated by the Women’s marches around the country two weeks ago—what are the organizers doing with that energy? We’ll talk about that later in this program.

But first one listener comment about yesterday’s program- for days now we’ve been hearing about the importance of contacting your Senators and representatives in Congress if you have concerns about government policies. One listener called yesterday to say she was having trouble contacting her members of Congress. Here’s what one listener had to say.


U.S. Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch heads to Capitol Hill today to begin meeting with lawmakers, including members of the Senate Judiciary committee. The White House is planning a major effort to get President Donald Trump’s pick confirmed.

Gorsuch would replace conservative justice Antonin Scalia who died almost a year ago. President Obama nominated a replacement but the Republican controlled US Senate refused to consider President Obama’s choice—even though Obama had 11 more months left in office.

We’re going to talk about the Gorsuch nomination with Stetson University College of Law …
Professor Louis Virelli is the author of Disqualifying the High Court: Supreme Court Recusal and the Constitution, a book on the impact of judicial recusal on the Supreme Court. Prior to joining Stetson, Professor Virelli served for five years as a trial attorney in the Civil Division of the U.S. Department of Justice in Washington, D.C. He teaches Administrative Law, Civil Procedure, Constitutional Law I, Federal Courts, and Federal Pretrial Practice at Stetson Law School. He regularly coaches two of Stetson’s moot court teams and is the faculty advisor to the Stetson chapter of the American Constitution Society.

Next on Radioactivity—-

The people who helped organize the 18 Women’s marches in Florida and the national Women’s March in Washington DC are forming a non-profit to build on the grassroots movement and this weekend there will be organizing meetings across Florida.

We’re joined now by Marina Welch who is one of the local organizers of the Women’s March. Contact her @ [email protected]

Who: Women’s March on Washington Florida Chapter and local citizens interested in women and community centered organizing for positive change.
What: First Organizing Meeting for the Women’s March Florida mobilization network.
When: February 4, 2017, 4-6pm
Where: Jimmy B. Keel Regional Library, Community rooms C & D, 2902 W. Bearss Ave., Tampa

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