
Louis Virelli

Lou Virelli

Stetson Law professor breaks down the Donald Trump indictment

Stetson University College of Law professor Louis Virelli speaks about what Donald Trump's indictment means and what the court will consider.
Louis Virelli, professor, Stetson University College of Law.

Will Rick Scott pack the Florida Supreme Court?

The future of the Florida Supreme Court lies in the balance as three Justices will be replaced in January of 2019; but incredibly, it’s still up in the air who will appoint the new Justices:...

Legal Scholar Says Firing of Comey Proves Need for Special Prosecutor

Host Rob Lorei spoke with Stetson law professor Louis Virelli to discuss FBI Director James Comey’s firing and President Trump’s suggestion that he might have recorded Comey during their White House meeting. Earlier this week, the...

A Stetson Law Professor Discusses President Trump’s Nominee for the Supreme Court and Women’s March Activists Planning Their Next Steps

WMNF’s Radioactivity Feb 1 2017 Good morning, welcome to Radioactivity. I’m Rob Lorei. Coming up we’ll get the perspective of a Constitutional law scholar from Stetson on President Trump’s nominee to fill the nearly year-long...
Antonin Scalia at Stetson

Law professor weighs in on SCOTUS vacancy after Scalia’s death

Arch-conservative Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia died Saturday and the balance of the Court could shift with his replacement; WMNF spoke with a constitutional law professor about how election year politics could influence what happens....

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