
Bill Young

Jolly Crist Congress

Jolly and Crist differ on guns, campaign money & Clinton

A closely-watched race for Congress in Pinellas County, Florida could be an opportunity for Democrats to pick up a House seat; Republican Congress member David Jolly faces an uphill battle in his newly-redrawn district against former Florida Governor Charlie...
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Tampa Bay SDS hosts Orlando shooting “speak out” at USF

University of South Florida students will remember the victims of the Orlando shooting with what they’re calling a “speak out” on Friday. It’s being organized by Tampa Bay Students for a Democratic Society. WMNF News...
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Students protest USF’s Bill Young building name

Student groups at the University of South Florida are once again ramping up their campaign to get Bill Young’s name taken off a campus building; they say the university should not honor the late member...
Bill Young

LGBT activists still want USF to Change the Name of Young building

Student activists at the University of South Florida in Tampa are hosting a panel discussion Thursday on LGBT rights and whether the name of late Congress member C. W. “Bill” Young should remain on a campus...
Elizabeth Kramer Danya Zituni

The history of Florida’s anti-gay Johns Committee

Many people agree that the legacy of the Johns Committee is a dark stain on Florida’s history; it was a Cold War-era group that cracked down on gay and lesbian state employees including professors at...
Bill Young

SDS continues push to rid USF of Bill Young’s name

Students for a Democratic Society in Tampa is continuing its campaign to get the University of South Florida to remove the name of a former member of Congress from the ROTC building on campus because...
Elizabeth Kramer Danya Zituni

Students want Bill Young’s name off USF building

Some University of South Florida students are circulating a petition online to change the name of a building on campus that’s named after a former member of Congress who was also part of the Johns...

Fox News political analyst Jessica Ehrlich on the midterm elections

Fox News political analyst Jessica Ehrlich on the midterm elections

David Jolly on Ebola, ISIS, the ACA and other issues

David Jolly on Ebola, ISIS, the ACA and other issues

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