

Florida lobbyist: sexual harassment “rampant” in Legislature

Clearwater state Senator Jack Latvala was removed Monday as chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee after reports that he may have groped or made demeaning comments toward women; a long-time lobbyist in Tallahassee tells WMNF...

Women’s Show 6/15 – Toni Van Pelt Running for National President of NOW & Dr. Carol Paris on Health Care

 Are we having any fun yet? 146 days and counting…..  How about a knock-knock joke to cheer you up? Knock-knock… Who’s there? The country. What do you want? To read the health care bill. No...
ACLU Marcia Cohen

Tampa groups tell Nelson to oppose Jeff Sessions for AG

Several groups in Florida are asking Senator Bill Nelson to push for a delay in the confirmation hearings for U.S. Attorney General nominee Jeff Sessions; the groups say Senator Sessions has not provided enough information...
Terry O'Niell of NOW favors Hillary Clinton

National Organization for Women president on 2016 election

Tuesday is Election Day, the last day to vote; so we bring you voices from the major presidential campaigns. First up is a representative of the Donald Trump campaign in Florida. Christian Ziegler is the Republican...

Florida Senate committee advances abortion waiting period bill

Florida Senate committee advances abortion waiting period bill

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