

breast cancer screening

Florida House considers a way to convert public hospital districts

A House panel supported a proposal that would create a process for public hospital districts to convert to non-profit organizations.

Judge weighs the legality of a Florida law that overhauls Gainesville’s public utility

A circuit judge heard arguments in a challenge by the city of to a Florida law overhauling control of the Gainesville municipal utility.

Group seeks information on Florida school voucher expansion

A non-profit group calls for information from the Florida Department of Education about how many additional private schools are accepting vouchers after a massive expansion of voucher programs took effect in July.
education school

Florida Senate is ready to approve a change to make public schools send tax revenues to charter schools for construction

The Florida Senate could give final approval Thursday requiring school districts to share local property tax revenues with charter schools.

Florida House is set to approve requirement for public school districts to share tax revenue with charter schools

The Florida House could pass a measure that would require school districts to share local property-tax revenue with charter schools.
Dennis Kucinich

Dennis Kucinich on how he stopped privatization of Cleveland’s municipal utilities

Former presidential candidate and former member of Congress Dennis Kucinich spoke with WMNF about his new book that explores utility privatization and how to stop it.
Labor unions janitors

Custodians rally against privatization at Hillsborough School Board

On Tuesday afternoon custodians from Hillsborough County Schools rallied outside the school district’s building in downtown Tampa. They were there during the School Board meeting because they’re upset about a proposal to let private companies...
Centralize. Do Not Privatize sign

Labor activists will rally to oppose privatization of custodial work in Hillsborough Schools

The Hillsborough County Public School Board is studying the idea of turning over work that’s now done by unionized custodians to a private company instead. But activists who want to stop the privatization before the...
Save Our Custodians sign.

Hillsborough Schools custodians fight privatization

Custodians in Hillsborough County Schools are fighting back against a proposal to privatize cleaning services. They are rallying Tuesday afternoon outside the school board meeting in downtown Tampa and speaking out during the meeting itself....
WMNF 88.5

Why are Florida’s Public Schools Having Budget Problems?

Radioactivity Wednesday 8 30 17 Why are Florida’s Public Schools Having Budget Problems? Good morning, welcome to Radioactivity. I’m Rob Lorei. Facing budget problems the Hillsborough School District is in the process of eliminating about...
WMNF 88.5

Social Security advocate opposes Jeb Bush’s stance on retirement privitization

Advocate says no to Jeb Bush's stance on Social Security privatization

Columnist Paula Dockery and State Senator Greg Evers address issues facing the State Prison System

Columnist Paula Dockery and State Senator Greg Evers address issues facing the State Prison System
Mo' Blues Monday
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