
Richard Corcoran

srq new college

New College offers new ‘wokeness’ course this Spring

New College of Florida will offer a course studying “wokeness” in January.  The class is called “The ‘Woke’ Movement” and be taught by Dr. Andrew Doyle over winter break. It’s a one-month individualized studies program...
New College

A massive spending plan for New College of Florida is approved despite concerns

"we're tired, exhausted with the last 15-year history of [New College of Florida] and we want massive changes,” Richard Corcoran said.

Talk Back Town Hall with Billy Townsend

Shelley and guest commenter Lakeland's civic journalist, Billy Townsend opened the phone lines and held a Talk Back Town Hall, letting our listeners guide our discussion on State Politics, DeSantis' cronyism and grifting, Richard Corcoran's...
Richard Corcoran

New College of Florida trustees give President Richard Corcoran a $200,000 incentive bonus

New College of Florida President Richard Corcoran will receive $200,000 in incentive pay; after a performance evaluation.
srq new college

Board approves $1.1 million for New College of Florida

New College of Florida is in line to receive $1.1 million in what is known as performance-based funding.
New College

$1.1 million rides on a New College of Florida report

New College of Florida President Richard Corcoran is slated to present a "student success plan monitoring report" next week.

Sarasota higher ed leaders discuss diversity amid Florida crackdown

Listen: Leaders at several colleges in Manatee and Sarasota Counties spoke at a nonpartisan political forum on Thursday. An otherwise non-controversial discussion got interesting when the question of diversity came up. Leaders at New College,...
Richard Corcoran

Richard Corcoran clears the final confirmation to stay New College of Florida president

State higher-education officials confirmed Richard Corcoran as president of New College of Florida, a Sarasota liberal-arts college.
University of Florida president candidate Ben Sasse

Controversial Florida university presidents are slated for inauguration and confirmation

University of Florida President Ben Sasse and president of New College of Florida Richard Corcoran will be inaugurated and confirmed.
The Scoop: WMNF Daily News Digest

The Scoop: Mon., October 23, 2023 Tampa Bay & Florida headlines by WMNF

Inmate reentry simulator Hillsborough County has nearly 3,000 inmates booked in county jails on any given day. Once released, they face a number of obstacles on their path back to a normal life. A reentry...
Richard Corcoran

New College of Florida trustees approve $1.3 million/year contract for controversial president Richard Corcoran

New College of Florida President Richard Corcoran is set to earn up to $1.3 million per year in salary and benefits in a five-year contract.
New College

Florida pushes back against UF report critical of New College business plan

State higher-education officials responded to analyses by University of Florida professors of a New College of Florida business plan.
The Sunday Simcha
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