

Sobering Conversations On Fascism & Scientology

At the close of our conversation with philosophy professor, Jason Stanley he quips, “Thank you for a sobering conversation.” It should be pointed out, the professor was being somewhat sardonic. His must-read, How Fascism Works...

Escaping Scientology on Life Elsewhere

For years, Michelle LeClair, former President of Scientology’s international humanitarian organization, tried to reconcile her sexual orientation with the anti-gay ideology of the church. Michelle finally ends her horrific marriage, finds the love of her...
The Super Power Building in downtown Clearwater

Scientology Insider Aaron Smith-Levin on Radioactivity Thursday

Clearwater to vote on land purchase Last night there was a big vote at the Clearwater City Council on whether or not to purchase some prime downtown land from the Clearwater Aquarium or let the Church...

USDA program helps families build their own homes, and journalist Tony Ortega’s latest book on Scientology

USDA program helps families build their own homes, and journalist Tony Ortega's latest book on Scientology

Journalist Tony Ortega talks about his coverage of The Church of Scientology in HBO doc “Going Clear”

Journalist Tony Ortega talks about his coverage of The Church of Scientology in HBO doc "Going Clear"

The Church Of Scientology responds To Janet Reitman’s book Inside Scientology

Last Monday on this program we featured an interview with Janet Reitman, author of a new book called Inside Scientology. Reitman describes the book as the first objective book on Scientology. It describes a church...

Janet Reitman: author of Inside Scientology (The Story of America’s Most Secretive Religion)

Good afternoon, welcome to Radioactivity. I’m Rob Lorei. Scientology, a religion founded by science fiction writer L Ron Hubbard describes itself as the world’s fastest growing religion. The Church of Scientology is a significant player...

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