

A Conversation with civil rights photographer Bob Fletcher

Today on Radioactivity, Host Rob Lorei speaks with photojournalist Bob Fletcher, who photographed the struggles of the civil rights movement in Mississippi during the 1960s. Fletcher, a native of Detroit, moved to Mississippi to after facing...

The cost of private plans on Medicare and Medicaid

Today is the 50th anniversary of the medicare and medicaid programs that was passed by President Lyndon Johnson. It transformed health care coverage since its inception in 1965, at time when over half of senior...

Retired officers still collecting pensions after being re-hired by agencies

  Last week The Tampa Bay Times published an article looking at how law enforcement agencies across the Bay Area are employing retired officers who still collect pension during their re-employment. They often collect deferred...

United for Care renews effort for medical marijuana amendment

An amendment to legalize medical marijuana failed to pass last November, but there is an renewed effort for the 2016 ballot. United for Care is once again working to collect the 700,000 signatures and supreme...

Climate Change Will Hit Florida Hard Over the Next 85 years

By Rob Lorei   Today on Radioactivity, Host Rob Lorei looks at the economic and health risks of climate change on the U.S. southeast. A report released by bi-partisan group Risky Business claims that if...
WMNF News: Beach dunes

Southwest Florida’s rate of sea level rise speeding up

The southwest coast of Florida, especially its beaches and mangroves, are being increasingly impacted by rising seas caused by global warming; on WMNF News’ MidPoint we spoke with Mike Barry — an environmental contractor with...

2015 ALEC meeting in San Diego will include 7 Florida Lawmakers

The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) will be convening in San Diego for their annual meeting this week . ALEC is a non-profit status  organization of conservative lawmakers and corporate lobbyists who get together to draft...

WMNF Broadcast Studios

Cuban flag now flies over embassy in Washington

The Cuban flag was raised inside the Cuban embassy in Washington, D.C. Monday morning for the first time in 54 years; our guests in the studio who took calls about this issue were Rayshawna Black...

Chance Drawing from Americana Fest, 7/18/15

Thanks to all who supported the Chance Drawing at the 10th Annual Americana event on Saturday, July 18th… These items are waiting at WMNF to be picked up by the lucky winners:   CD Block:...

Political Strategist Barry Edwards gives a run down on the current state of Florida politics

Today on Radioactivity, we talk the facts and figures of Florida politics with Barry Edwards, a political strategist who has worked locally with both Democratic and Republican Parties. We talk about the upcoming congressional redistricting...

Green Party presidential nomination candidate Jill Stein makes her case on Radioactivity

On Radioactivity Host Rob Lorei talks with Jillian Stein, a physician from Massachusetts who is running for the 2016 Green Party Nomination for the Presidency. She ran for president once before for the Green Party...

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