Board Committees and Meetings


A lot of the work at WMNF gets done by the efforts of the station’s committees.

Serving on a committee is a great way to learn how WMNF operates and how we make decisions.

All WMNF committee meetings are open to the public, with the exception of some Personnel issues covered by the Personnel Committee. If you need to get in touch with the chair of a committee, email them or call our office at 813-238-8001. WMNF is located at 1210 E. Dr. MLK Jr Blvd, Tampa, 33603. We are ADA compliant.

To contact the WMNF board committees, please use the Contact WMNF form or request an invite to the Zoom meetings.

Standing Committees

Board of Directors

Isha Del Valle

Meets third Monday of each month, 7:15 pm at the station. Call 813-238-8001 to confirm time and location.
***The January meeting may be moved, as to not conflict with the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr holiday.***

Board Meeting

Register to attend a WMNF Board meeting via Zoom. The Zoom info will be sent out on the day of the meeting.

Diversity & Inclusion Committee

Scott Elliott, Chair

Meets quarterly to ensure the representation of diverse cultures and perspectives throughout the station.

Diversity & Inclusion Meeting

Register to attend a WMNF Diversity & Inclusion Committee meeting via Zoom. Once you register, a Zoom link will be sent to you.

Community Advisory Board

Emmy Lou Fuchs, Lead

Meets periodically to provide a community forum to monitor the station’s broadcasts and evaluate how WMNF is meeting the needs of the community at large.

CAB Meeting

Register to attend a WMNF community advisory board meeting via Zoom. Once you register, a Zoom link will be sent to you.

Volunteer Committee

David Diaz, Chair

Meets the first Monday of the month, 6:30 p.m. to promote volunteering, encourage volunteer participation at the station, and to represent volunteers on various committees and on the Board of Directors.  Currently meeting on Zoom during the COVID19 health crisis.

Programming Committee

Samantha Hval, Program Director

Meets as announced

News & Public Affairs Committee

News & Public Affairs Director

Meets quarterly (as announced)

Development Committee

Austin Craven, Chair

Meets the second Tuesday of the month from 6:30-7:30p at WMNF unless otherwise notified to organize the time, talents and treasures of the WMNF family to encourage financial support and ensure funds are available as the station grows.

Bylaws Committee

Steve “Mac” MacIsaac, Co-Chair
Letty Valdes, Co-Chair

Meets as needed to codify and update all policies, employee manual, bylaws, governance documents, programmers agreement and any other official documents.

Finance & Audit Committee

William “Billy” Dobbins, Chair

Meets as needed to supervise and oversee the financial health of WMNF. Always meets prior to the full board meeting, starting at 6pm.

Nominating Committee

Austin Craven, Chair

Accepts nominations and applications for board service.

Technology Committee

Liam Wright, Chair

Personnel Committee

Jennifer Meksraitis, Chair

Long Range Planning Committee

Robert “Bob” Landis, Chair

Please call the station at 813-238-8001 to confirm the day, date and time of any meeting you’re interested in attending.

Ways to listen

WMNF is listener-supported. That means we don't advertise like a commercial station, and we're not part of a university.

Ways to support

WMNF volunteers have fun providing a variety of needed services to keep your community radio station alive and kickin'.

Sponsors, Partners, and Advertising Opportunities

Join the WMNF Circle of Friends!
In the Groove
Player position: