DNC dynamic speeches, war and economics

Yusef Salaam (Instagram)

Community Speaks for August 26, 2024

The “Exonerated Five” also known as ‘the Central Park Five’.

The group of Black and Latino men were just teenagers over 30 years ago when they were convicted of the brutal assault and rape of a white female jogger at Central Park in Manhattan, New York City. Korey Wise and Yusef Salaam, now an elected Harlem Councilman, spoke at the Democratic National Convention last week and said Fourty-five wanted them dead. He took out a full page ad in The New York Times calling for their execution. He still has not apologized for his hateful campaign against The Exonerated.

Hear highlights of some of the other notable speakers at the Democratic Convention.

Thoughts on the Florida primary election consequences. Thoughts regarding the upcoming Uhuru Three trial about Russia collusion.

Economic crisis in Israel and Lebanon may do more to end the war as calls for ceasefire and the return of the remaining October 7th hostages continue.

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