Thirty-four businesses in Hillsborough County signed a letter sent to the County Commission Wednesday. The companies want to see the passage of an Affordable Energy & Climate Plan.
This comes as Tampa Electric seeks to raise rates.
Hillsborough Affordable Energy Coalition and Food and Water Watch organized the letter.
The businesses want the County Commission to oppose utility rate hikes and promote what they call an “affordable clean energy plan.”
Food and Water Watch organizer Brooke Ward says local businesses are spending more money on electricity than any other bill.
“The price of energy is very interconnected with the wages that they can pay their employees, with the prices they can offer their customers, and even with the number of customers that are showing up,” Ward said.
Ward cited the City of Tampa’s Climate Action and Equity Plan, which has plans for solar energy use in the city. This letter is calling for a similar plan from the county.
Commission Chair Ken Hagan did not respond to WMNF by our deadline.
Hillsborough Affordable Energy Coalition is hosting an expert panel and community workshop for residents September 10th.
Brooke Ward is a senior organizer with the Food and Water Watch.
She says she created the event after then Hillsborough County Commission tried and failed last year.
“We decided that if the county wasn’t going to give us the opportunity to have people come out and share their concerns and for us to hear from experts, then we’d put it together,” Ward said.
Scheduled to speak are energy experts from Tampa’s Sustainability Office, advocacy groups, and more.
View info for the event here.
One Response to “Hillsborough small businesses ask for ‘affordable energy plan’ amid proposed rate hikes”
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TECO needs to get reigned in. Absolutely unscrupulous rate hikes, With the poorest of the community, taking the biggest hit. They are also overspending on a new headquarters that looks like the taj mahal in midtown tampa. Not necessary.