Your Handy Updated Guide to Being on the WMNF Live Music Showcase
- Show is ON THE AIR LIVE Friday at 2:06 PM
- Load in is at 1 PM for solo performers; 12:30 for bands or more than
one solo performer. - Format: Live Music with some interview talk between selections
- All types of music welcome.
- WMNF is located just north of downtown Tampa, FL, at 1210 E. Dr. Martin
Luther King Jr. Blvd. - Station phone: 813-238-8001 or studio DJ line 813-239-9663
The Live Music Showcase is a weekly, one-hour program where solo musicians, singer/songwriters, and groups perform live in the studios of community radio WMNF. We’ve hosted both acoustic music and a number of electric bands, including Jazz, Blues, Rock, and Reggae.
Several thousand people are usually tuned in, on the air and on line at our web site: All shows are archived on the web site so people can listen anytime after the airdate. This is the 22th year the show has been running. There is some talk between selections, mentioning appearances, new releases, anecdotes, etc, but mainly it’s a music show, so we try to keep the chat to no more than 2-3 min. between each song. We ask that you announce the name of each selection that you’re about to play.
HOW MANY SELECTIONS? Usually between 7 and 9, depending on length. 2 minute Rockabilly songs: maybe 10. Long solos and medleys: maybe 5 or 6.
on Facebook:
Facebook Live results in 400 to 4,000 views. Also, on Friday evening the show will be uploaded to Youtube; search for “wmnf live music showcase”
The show starts at 2:06 PM Fridays. That means the show goes on LIVE right at 2:06 PM and ends right at 3 PM.
We can set up quickly, but we need you to be here ON TIME so nobody feels rushed.
If there’s a drummer involved, you might have him or her get there and start loading in early if possible. In the case of more complex setups, contact us about the possibility of setting up Thursday evening.
We have a 24 channel Soundcraft SI Expression digital board with 24 channels dedicated to mikes or Dis. The board has compression, low cut, parametric EQ on all channels.
We have 6 direct boxes, a selection of good mikes, including AKG, Neumann, Shure, Sennheiser, and Studio Projects; both small and large diaphragm condensors and dynamics. We monitor on Hafler powered studio monitors.
Up to 16 headphones can be plugged in. Each performer can have an individual headphone level, but not an individual mix.
The main room is large, with a high ceiling. There’s also a medium-sized isolation booth that can hold a medium-sized drum kit, guitar amp, or two musicians.
We have a Kawai baby grand piano and a good basic D-Drum kit [no cymbals or sticks].
We have 4 foot high sound isolating “Gobos” to put between players, if needed.
LOUD AMPS can be a problem. If you can bring a small amp, it will make things way easier for everyone; or we can run direct. And of course, everyone will need to wear headphones.
We like to run Bass direct.
Our experience suggests the most time spent in the sound check is getting a headphone mix everyone can agree on. Please prepare to be a little tolerant on this.
- Your Instruments
- Your own guitar cords, pedals, SMALL amps, if you need them, and Guitar
Tuners! [we have two guitar stands and two music stands] - A jacket or sweater in case it feels cold.
- Bio information, list of venues where you’re playing. A “cheat sheet” for the
host makes things run more smoothly. - Your contact info, web site, etc. on the sheet.
- A list of NAMES of the people in the group for the host to refer to as we talk
would be great idea.
WMNF is at 1210 E. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd, just east of I-275, and just north of downtown Tampa.
From the West (St. Pete) on I-275, stay on I-275, in one of the two left lanes as you go through downtown Tampa, then AFTER I-4 branches off to the right, get in your right lane. MLK is the first exit north of downtown Tampa.
From the North, MLK is the next exit south of Hillsborough Ave on I-275 southbound.
From Orlando or other places east of Tampa on I-4, get in the far right lane as I-4 enters the downtown area; this lane branches off North onto I-275, then dumps out onto MLK.
From anywhere else, check your map!
When you get off I-275, go East. (if you see a McDonald’s you’re going west. Turn around now) The next light after the exit ramp will be Nebraska Ave. and just a half a mile further the station will be on the left. It’s a big golden building with a parking lot on either side, two satellite dishes and a 50-ft tower in back.
WMNF’s main office line is 813-238-8001 : If you get the station’s voice mail, maybe there’s no one in the office yet. Try the DJ request line at 813-239-9663. Let it ring.
WMNF broadcasts live on the Internet 24 hours a day at Live Music Showcases are archived and can be listened to anytime after broadcast.
You can send email to the entire crew at [email protected]
We’ll see you soon!