National water quality month with Matt Rihs


Monday, August 19th, the Sustainable Living Show welcomes Matt Rihs to discuss August as national water quality month. For the last seven years, Matt has been the customer ombudsman, neighborhood liaison, and public relations contact for the FGUA (Florida Governmental Utility Authority) in Pasco and Polk Counties. Recognized annually in August, National Water Quality Month was founded in 2005 by the Environmental Protection Agency and backed by the United Nations.

Topics discussed include:

-where does our potable water come from (sources)

-how is water treated to become fit for public use

-what testing is done to ensure water quality and how can we find results

-do’s and don’ts to maintain water quality

-water conservation and money saving tips

and more!


Aqua Papas by Denzel Green

Based on the NPR article Pumping Oxygen In A Lake To Try To Save Fish Facing Climate Change by Jes Burns

Bubble, bubble!

A lake without air is a lake in trouble!

Fish of a kind

find, that livin aint eezy

and it makes you feel queasy

when the water’s covered in slime

and breathin takes more time!

Good for algae,

hoorah, hooray!

Less oxygen saves their day!

Say, what about everythin’ else?

You know, the guppies,

the underwater puppies,

the sea bears, the sea elk,

the short nose boys,

the cloudy cod jumpers

the jelly-bellied groupie

s and the Lost River Suckers?

Those poor lads

with their wide-eyed gasps

and their empty bachelor pads.

What about ’em?

who knows

who knows

but under the surface

nothin’ grows

nothin’ grows


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