

Disposal of Christmas trees for St Petersburg residents

Between January 11th to February 10th, The City of St Petersburg will be collecting live Christmas trees for free. According to a press release from City of St Petersburg, residents must put their Christmas trees...

Not all wrapping paper belongs in the recycling bin

After the rush of opening gifts with friends and family has ended, the only thing left is to clean up and discard all of the ripped wrapping paper. However, shifting through your wrapping paper scraps...

12/25/24 SOTD: I Heard The Bells on Christmas Day by Blind Boys of Alabama & Jay Buchanan

It is Christmas Day today, a day that is special for many people around the world. The WMNF Song of the Day for December 25, 2024 is Heard The Bells on Christmas Day by Blind...

Toy drive to support Veteran families in need is back

Operation Toy Soldier has drop-off spots available for those to donate new and unwrapped toys to help veteran families this holiday season.
A painted picture of two flamingos wearing red santa hats surrounded by a beach landscape with water and palm trees.

Christmas is coming early this year for an event in Hudson

An event aimed at bringing holiday cheer to the summer heat is a one-day event that provides free, fun activities for children. The nonprofit The Positive Difference is organizing it. The event unites small businesses...

How to dispose of your Christmas Tree

 If you’re looking to get rid of your live Christmas tree, here is how you can determined by the county that you live in.

A Peculiarly British Christmas

Christmas Pudding. Christmas Crackers. Pantomimes. Mince Pies. Boxing Day. Ah, yes, Boxing Day, if some of the other peculiarities of a British Christmas are explainable, Boxing Day remains a splendid conundrum. Christmas without Boxing Day...

How to dispose of your live Christmas Tree

How to dispose of your live Christmas tree depending on which county you are located in. For more information go to the county websites.

A Peculiarly British Christmas

Christmas Pudding. Christmas Crackers. Pantomimes. Mince Pies. Boxing Day. Ah, yes, Boxing Day, if some of the other peculiarities of a British Christmas are explainable, Boxing Day remains a splendid conundrum. Christmas without Boxing Day...
holiday holidays

How to celebrate sustainably

The Sustainable Living team at WMNF have some tips to make your holidays and celebrations a little bit more sustainable. 

Don’t be naughty, be nice (with your Christmas leftovers)

There are always so many leftovers from Christmas and the holidays. Cookies (haha just kidding, these aren’t ever left over), gift wrap and packaging, ham, tofurkey, burnt out lights, last minute gifts you thought were...

Women’s Show 12/22 – The Gift of Freedom and Democracy for Our Children

It’s the time of the Solstice, the longest night of the year, the time of the year when the sun supposedly stands still– Sol (sun) Stice (still).  Historically associated with longer nights, cold – and...
Words & Music
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