


Looking back at a 2009 WMNF story: New EPA lead standards may affect East Tampa company

UPDATE: this story originally published August 20, 2009 by Seán Kinane / WMNF News. We’re republishing this now because a new report from the Tampa Bay Times found hundreds of workers have been exposed to...
industrial toxins wastewater

Will Hillsborough increase allowed levels of industrial toxins in wastewater?

Hillsborough County is considering an ordinance to deal with wastewater; environmentalists say overall that’s a good thing but there’s concern about one aspect: a proposal to allow higher levels of some industrial toxins in wastewater...

Will TBX affect air quality?

There will be a series of public meetings and workshops about the controversial interstate expansion project known as Tampa Bay Express beginning at the end of the month. Despite the upcoming meetings, some opponents of...
Rick Tschantz on Morris Bridge Sink

Permit to pump Morris Bridge Sink won’t be challenged

Hillsborough County will not file a legal challenge to a permit to pump water from a sinkhole in sensitive wetlands near the Hillsborough River. That’s after meetings by the region’s water management district produced a...
Hillsborough River

Tampa supports pumping water from Morris Bridge Sink

Unless they can work out differences by next week, it’s possible that several local governments will end up on opposite sides of a legal battle about whether to pump water from a sinkhole in sensitive...
fracking opponents

Hillsborough County attorney: fracking bills prohibit local control

On Thursday Hillsborough County commissioners heard a report on the controversial fossil fuel drilling technique called fracking; in their role as the county’s Environmental Protection Commission they were warned by county attorney Rick Morati about...
Hillsborough County Commission

Hillsborough County threatens legal action against SWFWMD if plan to pump Morris Bridge Sink moves forward

Hillsborough County Commissioners oppose a plan to pump water from a sinkhole near Thonotosassa as one source to restore flow to the Lower Hillsborough River; meeting as the county’s Environmental Protection Commission Thursday morning, commissioners...

Residents ask SWFWMD to delay decision to pump water from sinkhole

Residents are asking for a delay in a permit to pump water from a sinkhole located in wetlands near Thonotosassa until other sources of water can be considered; they say pumping water from Morris Bridge...
Hillsborough County Commission

New EPA lead standards may affect East Tampa company

UPDATE: this story originally published August 20, 2009 by Seán Kinane / WMNF News. We’re republishing this now because a new report from the Tampa Bay Times found hundreds of workers have been exposed to...
Thee Righteous Temple of Hip Hop
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