

Jolly Crist Congress

Jolly and Crist differ on guns, campaign money & Clinton

A closely-watched race for Congress in Pinellas County, Florida could be an opportunity for Democrats to pick up a House seat; Republican Congress member David Jolly faces an uphill battle in his newly-redrawn district against former Florida Governor Charlie...
Dave Howard on Egmont Key fire

Wildfire may actually help nature on Egmont Key: environmentalist

In July a wildfire on protected Egmont Key burned eighty acres of habitat; but an environmentalist says it may have actually benefited the wildlife on the island at the mouth of Tampa Bay. Dave Howard is...
Ciara Torres-Spelliscy

A law professor answers: are corporations citizens?

Are corporations citizens and how have courts changed the role of corporations in society and in elections? We look at these topics with our guest in the studio, Ciara Torres-Spelliscy. She’s an associate professor of law at Stetson...
Florida Senate District 19 forum

Florida Senate District 19 Democrats face off

The Republican National Convention began Monday; on MidPoint we continue our look at this year’s election with audio from candidates running for a Florida Senate seat that covers parts of four counties. Four Democrats are running...
Tropicana Field

FAST will press Pinellas leaders on issues

A coalition of religious groups is asking Pinellas County leaders for improvements in three areas: reducing education disparities, alternatives to arresting youth and funding basic human services. Joining us in the studio for MidPoint were Pastor Manuel...
Trump protesters Tampa

Interviews with Trump protesters in NYC & Arizona

Some of the largest protests against Donald Trump occurred over the weekend. In Arizona, organizers shut down a highway leading to an event for the frontrunner to the Republican nomination for president. In New York protesters...
Trump protesters Tampa

Crowds protest Trump in Tampa before speech

Donald Trump was interrupted several times by protesters as he spoke Monday at the Tampa Convention Center; outside anti-Trump demonstrators and supporters of the billionaire businessman traded words. On MidPoint we interviewed one organizer of...
Ahmad Hussam Peace House

Young Florida voters challenge Democrats on “superdelegates”

Some young Tampa filmmakers have set their sights on humorously criticizing the Democratic Party’s use of “superdelegates;” we interview a founder of Peace House and hear clips from Sunday’s Democratic presidential debate. There was a lot...
Laila Abdelaziz

Tampa Muslim reacts to “Islamophobic” joke by Florida legislator

This show is a look at Islamophobia in the Florida Legislature and on the presidential campaign trail; we spoke with a Tampa Muslim who says she was the victim of Islamophobic bigotry by a member of...
Jeb Bush rally

Jeb! campaign post-mortem; what are superdelegates? on Monday’s MidPoint

Jeb! Bush has suspended his campaign for president; we look back at the former Florida governor’s short run for president, what went wrong and what’s next. We also look at the controversial issue of superdelegates – it’s...
solar Duke

Floridians for Solar Choice aiming for 2018, not 2016

It’s been speculated for a while, but Monday for the first time the executive director of the Southern Alliance for Clean Energy said for certain the Floridians for Solar Choice question will not be on this...
farmworkers; Florida agriculture; farmworkers, coalition of Immokalee workers, ciw

EPA considering pesticide protections for farmworkers

A 23-year-old law, the Agriculture Worker Protection Standard (WPS), is being updated to enhance protections for people exposed to toxic agricultural pesticides; the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is also proposing a ban on the neurotoxic pesticide chlorpyrifos for use...

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