

Hillary Clinton

Listeners weigh in on Democratic debate

On Saturday the three candidates vying for the Democratic Party presidential nomination debated on prime-time television. Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders and former Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley battled about a range...
Donald Trump elephant

Trump thrills thousands in Sarasota: Hundreds Protest

On MidPoint we played part of Donald Trump’s speech from Saturday in Sarasota and took calls about the speech and the protests that greeted Trump. In the speech Trump talks about how he’s leading all Republicans...
Laila Abdelaziz

CAIR responds to threats to St. Pete mosques

Update: On Tuesday the man was arrested. Listen to the story here: http://www.wmnf.org/cair1117/ Late Friday attacks in Paris killed at least 129 people, ISIS has claimed responsibility — and there have been threats to local mosques,...
power plant / Seán Kinane/WMNF News

National Geographic devotes full issue to climate change

Climate change could be the most important challenge of the 21st Century; our guests on MidPoint contributed to the current issue of National Geographic magazine that’s all about the climate. It comes out weeks before major international climate talks...
Jeb Bush rally

Jeb Bush tries to rejuvenate campaign in Tampa

Jeb Bush is kicking off a tour of Florida, South Carolina and New Hampshire, trying to jump-start his slumping campaign. A handful of local elected officials were among the crowd of about 250 people squeezed into...
Florida black bear

A look back at Florida’s shortened black bear hunt

Over the weekend the controversial hunt of black bears in Florida was called off after almost two days because so many bears were killed; our guest on WMNF’s MidPoint was Tampa Bay Times staff writer Craig Pittman, who...

MidPoint conversation as Kim Davis returns to work

On Monday the Rowan County, Kentucky clerk who had been in jail for refusing to issue marriage licenses returned to work. On MidPoint Monday we heard the statement Kim Davis gave as she began her...
Laila Abdelaziz

Critic says Buckhorn’s Police review board not independent

On Friday, Tampa Mayor Bob Buckhorn announced a new Citizens Review Board to keep an eye on the city’s police department; on WMNF’s MidPoint, Seán Kinane spoke with Laila Abdelaziz, a critic who is part of...
Lawrence Lessig

Lawrence Lessig may run for president on clean elections platform

Harvard Law professor Lawrence Lessig has launched an exploratory campaign to run for President of the United States in 2016; his main issue is to give individual voters more power in elections by reversing the tendency of...

Everyday Ethics on WMNF, Wednesdays (GM Craig Kopp’s Podcast)

I have been a professional radio broadcaster for (mumbled incoherently) years. Oh, who am I kidding? You’ll just google it, anyway. I have been a radio broadcaster since 1974. And this new gig as General...
WMNF News: Beach dunes

Southwest Florida’s rate of sea level rise speeding up

The southwest coast of Florida, especially its beaches and mangroves, are being increasingly impacted by rising seas caused by global warming; on WMNF News’ MidPoint we spoke with Mike Barry — an environmental contractor with...

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