
Occupy ICE

killed by border patrol

Vigil for victims of Customs and Border Protection violence

Last week, video was released of a migrant teenager who died in U.S. Border Patrol custody; it’s deaths like this – and of outright violence by U.S. border officers — that triggered activists to hold...
immigration migrant families

Migrant advocates will hold vigil and “noise demonstration” in Ybor City Friday night

In a tweet this week, President Donald Trump announced that ICE will start deporting millions of people from the U.S.; that’s not the only thing upsetting advocates for immigrants. There’s also the Trump administration’s family...
Occupy ICE Tampa

Private company helped DHS spy on “family separation” demonstrators

In the summer of 2018 there was a widespread protest movement of people upset at the Trump administration’s “family separation” policy of separating migrant kids from their parents at the border. According to a report...
mural art border wall U.S. Mexico immigration

Occupy ICE Tampa protest against Trump border wall

Last Friday President Donald Trump declared a national emergency on the U.S.-Mexico border in order to access disaster funds to build a wall between the two countries; now, local groups are planning a rally Tuesday...

Ybor City vigil for victims of border patrol

Groups like the Border Patrol Victims Network are organizing a vigil in Tampa’s Ybor City Thursday for people who have been killed by Customs and Border Protection officers. Jenderless is an organizer with Occupy ICE...
Sydney Eastman

Tampa Bay activist Sydney Eastman dies

The Tampa Bay activist community lost a strong advocate for the rights of migrant families and sex workers; Sydney Eastman passed away over the weekend. She was a founding member of Tampa Bay DSA [Democratic Socialists...
Occupy ICE Tampa

Occupy ICE Tampa sets up encampment

About ten people set up camp Thursday evening outside the Immigration and Customs Enforcement office near the Tampa International Airport; they’re upset about how ICE has detained migrants crossing the US border and has separated...

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