Fine files bill to restrict college access to undocumented students
Rep. State Sen. Randy Fine filed a bill yesterday that would not only stop undocumented students from getting in-state tuition but also from attending some public universities in the state.
Officials say some manatees should remain ‘threatened’
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service says the Florida manatee should remain a threatened species. WMNF’s Chris Young reports the agency’s proposal goes against environmental activists’ request to make the sea mammal endangered.
Polar vortex delivers blow to Florida manatees
A polar vortex that has brought ice and snow to much of the country has dealt a blow to the Sunshine State and its manatee population.
New trends show people opting out of home insurance
A rising trend in Florida’s property insurance market has some experts concerned with recent data showing 1 out of 5 homeowners in the state are not insured.
Fort Myers residents will see discounted insurance premiums in 2025
Insurance premiums for flood insurance policyholders in Fort Myers will be steeply discounted later this year.
The Scoop: Tampa Bay & Florida headlines by WMNF
The Scoop producers Meghan Bowman and Victoria Heath
WMNF anchors Chris Young, Lisa Marzilli, Meghan Bowman, Seán Kinane
WMNF News Director Seán Kinane
WMNF reporters Chris Young, Meghan Bowman
Special thanks to Taylor Lovejoy and Corey Beltran
Theme music, Fresh06, by Stian via archive.org – CC-BY-NC-SA 2.5
The Scoop logo by Robin Milcowitz / Greener Pixels / greenerpixels.com /
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